Enigma pics section

Leopard geckos (morph) - Geco leopardino (morph) - Eublepharis angramainyu, Eublepharis fuscus, Eublepharis hardwickii, Eublepharis macularius, Eublepharis satpuraensis & Eublepharis turcmenicus
Messaggi: 2815
Iscritto il: dom ago 13, 2006 4:41 am
Località: back from texas to italy :-(

Here there are my babies ;-)
i really enjoy the "enigma club with them" :!:


...why keep a pet monkey if you have a kid, aren't they enough of one?
many dogs
many leo
cresties, chahoua, goyle, sarasinorum, bavahyia
...some snakes...
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Messaggi: 368
Iscritto il: gio lug 26, 2007 8:04 pm
Località: liguria

veramente belli , non vedo l'ora di vederne qualcuno dal vero al nirm congratz
Messaggi: 345
Iscritto il: gio ott 19, 2006 11:08 pm
Località: milano

sono molto belli!!!!!!!
salvo miry

Messaggi: 157
Iscritto il: sab mag 05, 2007 2:29 pm
Località: caltanissetta(Sicilia)

veramente eccezzionali :shock:
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Messaggi: 26
Iscritto il: sab set 29, 2007 8:50 pm
Località: Sweden

They are just gorgeous, Marula!

I think my female enigma RE isn't as happy to eat as my male enigma het Bell. Can you see that different between yours??

Messaggi: 2815
Iscritto il: dom ago 13, 2006 4:41 am
Località: back from texas to italy :-(

yes, my RE re-start to eat 3/4 weeks after the trip from USA to italy.
i keep her with a hide place, a humid box with humid solid inside and hot, really hot..she love sleep over the flexiwatt(i think the temperature is, over the flexy, 32/33°C)
what do you give her to eat? they generally prefer mealworms...and they don't like too much calcium in the same dish of meally..i put the calcium in another little "top" (is the correct word?)
i has see something like that in others my "albino special morph" (my raptor do the same after the trip fro USA to italy, and remember that they has got a long trip from USA and another one to hamm)
i think that is possible that they feel the differences from USA and Europe (longitude, latitude,atmospheric pression...) and probably for geckos more sensible (like generally albino is) is more visible..i has read an article regarding that, but i don't remember were :? ...
...why keep a pet monkey if you have a kid, aren't they enough of one?
many dogs
many leo
cresties, chahoua, goyle, sarasinorum, bavahyia
...some snakes...
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Messaggi: 26
Iscritto il: sab set 29, 2007 8:50 pm
Località: Sweden

Ok, thanks. I have her in a plastic cage 40*50cm, maybe to large at the moment. She loves her moisture box, a real sauna!
I give her crickets. But I got mealworm at home all the time for my hatchlings so I will change at once.